What are Collaborator Seats?
Collaborator Seats are an add-on which allows you to share full access to all Parcel Viewer and Wildfire Viewer maps you subscribe to. This is a cost-efficient way to share MapPort map access with partners inside and outside your organization.
Our Collaboration seat system
The number of users able to access your shared maps at once is dependent on the number of seats you subscribe to. When a user ends their current active session in a shared map, that will free up a seat for another user to access any of your shared maps. You as the collaborator will always have access to your subscribed maps. The seat system is only for users with shared access. The more seats, the more users can access your shared maps at once.
How to use Collaboration
When you would like to share access to your Parcel Viewer or Wildfire Viewer map(s), simply follow these instructions:
1. Click the Collaboration tab in your User Dashboard.
2. Enter the email address of the person you would like to share map access with in the text input field within the Invite Collaborators section. *You can enter multiple email addresses at once by separating each with a comma.
3. Click the Send button within the Invite Collaborators section.
4. An email will be sent to the addresses entered with a link to create an account. If an email address you sent a Collaboration invite to already has a MapPort account they will be given shared map access without action needed.
© ENPLAN 2022.
MapPort® is an ENPLAN web map services platform.
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wmsgroup@enplan.com (530) 402-4783